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Worries a stay-at-home spouse might have during divorce

On Behalf of | Oct 16, 2024 | divorce

Divorce can be an emotionally and financially challenging process for anyone, but for a stay-at-home spouse, the stakes often feel particularly high. A spouse may have sacrificed career opportunities and financial independence to focus on the household and family. They may, therefore, feel that they are negotiating from a disadvantage, when compared to a spouse who actively earns income.

When a marriage ends, stay-at-home spouses may face a unique set of worries that range from economic survival to personal well-being.

Financial insecurity

In many marriages, one partner is responsible for earning income while the other stays home to care for children or manage the household. When the marriage ends, the stay-at-home spouse may be left without a reliable income or health benefits, creating a deep sense of anxiety.

Without an independent source of income, the stay-at-home spouse may wonder how they will support themselves post-divorce. While alimony (spousal support) may be an option, it’s not always guaranteed and often only lasts for a set period. The stay-at-home spouse may be overwhelmed with concerns about covering essential living expenses, such as:

  • Housing
  • Utilities
  • Food
  • Healthcare

Another major financial worry is how the couple’s assets will be divided. In many cases, the working spouse might have control over financial accounts or business interests, making the stay-at-home spouse uncertain about how much they will receive in the settlement.

Custody and parenting concerns

For many stay-at-home spouses, the well-being of their children is at the forefront of their minds during a divorce. They may worry about how custody arrangements will be handled and whether they will be able to continue providing the same level of care and emotional support that their children are used to.

As the primary caregiver, the stay-at-home spouse might fear losing custody or having to share custody with their ex-partner. They may worry about how joint custody will affect the children’s routines and emotional well-being, particularly if the working spouse was less involved in day-to-day parenting during the marriage.

For a stay-at-home spouse, the challenges of divorce are often amplified by concerns over financial stability and child custody. Thankfully, with the legal right support, stay-at-home spouses can navigate these difficult waters and begin to rebuild their lives with greater confidence and independence.
