If you have substantial assets, one primary concern you may have is safeguarding your wealth from a California divorce. Whether you are currently married or getting ready to tie the knot, there are actions you can take to protect your wealth and ensure your financial...
Establishing parentage or paternity in California
As a California parent, there are a number of different reasons you may find it necessary to establish paternity. Maybe you know a man fathered your child, but he disputes your assertion and refuses to pay child support, or perhaps you are a father looking to obtain...
2 issues to avoid in a high net worth divorce
While going through your high net worth divorce in the Southern California area, it is important to be careful about how you handle key decisions. The decisions you make now will have an immediate and lingering impact on your and your kids’ lives after the judge...
Factors a court considers in spousal support
Unlike child support, which courts order based on relatively strict guidelines, spousal support may vary significantly based on the discretion of the court and elements of a given marriage. In fact, spousal support is not always awarded in the first place. A court...
Your child custody arrangement may impact your tax returns
Divorce is never easy, even in the best of circumstances when spouses agree to keep things amicable and work toward a fair resolution like responsible adults. Spouses with children and complicated assets often find it surprisingly complicated to reach far agreements...
Ways your medical practice could be impacted by your divorce
A divorce can impact all aspects of your life. This includes your professional life. As a Medscape article notes, if you are a doctor, this could include the medical practice you've worked so hard to build. As a doctor, what happens with your practice can have major...
How to deal with parenting time issues during Thanksgiving
It may not seem like it when you walk into the grocery store or the mall, but Thanksgiving will be upon us before we know it. Those responsible for cooking the big meal are planning their days, those who are travelling are getting ready for the crush of people at the...