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Asking a partner to sign a prenuptial agreement

On Behalf of | Sep 30, 2022 | marital agreements

While no one goes into marriage already planning for it to end in the future, there are certain steps one may take that will help him or her prepare for this possibility. A prenuptial agreement is a contract that outlines how a California couple will share marital property in case they divorce, but not everyone see the value of these agreements. It can be difficult to ask a partner if they will consider this option before walking down the aisle.

Will the marriage last?

It is impossible to accurately predict whether a marriage will last. However, there are some who suggest that if a partner refuses to sign a prenuptial agreement it could indicate a higher chance of problems down the road. Refusal to discuss the need for this type of contract may lead to tension, and it may reflect the partner’s genuine level of commitment.

Prenups are necessary and important for virtually every couple. These contracts can make a potential divorce simpler, reducing the need for costly and stressful litigation. The benefits of having a prenup are not only for the rich and famous, but also for those who simply want to protect their financial interests.

An important conversation

Asking a partner for a prenup may be an important conversation for a California couple to have. This discussion can lead to more financial understanding between the parties, reducing the chance of disputes over money during the marriage. It may help to speak with an experienced family law attorney about how a couple can craft a prenup suitable for their individual situation.
