Planning to marry is an exciting time for any woman, but it is prudent to look at matters that pertain to things beyond the wedding day. Looking to the future and planning for contingencies can include drafting prenuptial agreements. This step is especially important for California women who will be breadwinners in their households or those who want to shield their long-term interests.
When drafting a prenuptial agreement, it is critical to avoid terms that could be perceived as unfair. This will make it difficult to enforce in case of a dispute in the future. The terms in any marital contract must be reasonable, and they cannot contain anything that pertains to child custody or visitation. Another important key to an enforceable prenuptial agreement is the full disclosure of all financial information.
Full financial disclosure is critical in this process, including disclosing all assets and debts. Prenuptial agreements should not be rushed, and one party should not feel pressure from the other to sign. Signing under duress or undue influence can make the terms of a prenuptial agreement unenforceable. Both sides should have legal counsel, and they should understand what they are agreeing to before signing anything.
California women should take steps to shield themselves from the potential of financial loss or legal complications in case of a divorce in the future. Prenuptial agreements can be useful tools for those who want reduce contention if the marriage ends in the future. As with any type of marital contract, it is prudent to seek legal counsel when drafting, reviewing or before signing any type of enforceable legal agreement.