Building A Strong Foundation: Legal Solutions For Your Family's Next Chapter

Seeking modifications to a child support order

On Behalf of | Jan 22, 2019 | spousal and child support

There are a variety of scenarios in which a person in California or elsewhere may experience a change in financial stability. For some, this process may involve little more than a need to cut back on expenses and form a strict budget. However, for parents with an existing child support agreement in place, the challenges of experiencing a change in circumstances can be substantial, and these changes could prompt a need to revisit the original arrangement.

Those who encounter a similar situation could benefit from understanding the circumstances in which they might be able to pursue changes to a child support order. For instance, the loss of a job or a decrease in income could make it difficult for a person to meet the required monetary obligations. A sudden medical emergency could also disrupt one’s finances and make it difficult for him or her to keep up with child support payments.

Since the initial order was likely determined using one’s income at the time, a change in financial standings could spark a need to pursue modifications to the arrangement. Those who encounter similar hardships may choose to file a petition to modify the original order with the court. Since the process can be complex, one may find it advisable to seek guidance from someone with experience in such matters early on.

Although parents in California may wish to provide their children with the necessary financial support as they age, a change in circumstance could render a person incapable of keeping up with payments. Those who encounter similar changes may benefit from speaking with a family law attorney for advice on all their available options. An attorney can address a client’s concerns and assist in pursuing the necessary modifications to his or her child support order.
